Saturday, May 25, 2013

Confession--And it's a long one

I have a confession to make.

Is that a bad way to start a blog?  Making a confession?  I really don't know what's appropriate because honestly, blogs have never really been my thing.  I guess I'll find out.

My confession--I have issues with blogs.  And by issues I mean that with the exception of a few special blogs (my sister's, my best friend's, the fashionable hair-dresser's who I've never met but whose blog I stalk, and a few select others), I avoid them completely.  Given that this is my situation, you may wonder why on earth I would want to start a blog of my own.  Let me back up and explain.  

When Andrew and I first got married I was determined to be the perfect little house wife.  On a normal day I would get home from school/work about 20 minutes before he would, and those 20 minutes were complete chaos for me.  I would run around our tiny apartment, quickly doing dishes, wiping off the counters, and spraying more fa-breeze than was probably healthy for us to inhale.  Now don't get me wrong, Andrew in no way led me to believe that this was what he expected.  I had just somehow gotten this idea that to be the perfect wife meant that I had to make sure my husband came home to a perfectly clean house, a perfectly home-cooked meal, and a perfectly charming wife. But no pressure, right?

WRONG.  Eventually, the pressure I was placing on myself took effect.  While Andrew may have been coming home to a perfectly clean house, there was nothing perfectly charming about his stressed out, sweaty wife.  I felt like I was one dirty dish away from having a break down.  What does this have to do with my distaste in blogs you might ask?  Trust me, I'm getting there.

About a month after all this self-placed pressure began, I was at the doctor's office with a persistent cold that I just couldn't kick, and, just like I had expected, I completely broke down.  I started crying (which did nothing to help my already running nose) and I pored all of my feelings (something I tend to do quite frequently) on my poor doctor.  Luckily, the man took pity on me, and we began to try and figure out where my idea about what it meant to be the perfect wife had come from.  Don't ask me how we got here, but somehow we ended up talking about the (then) laundry list of Mormon mommy blogs I read on a daily bases.  You know the ones.  The ones with the women with their perfect houses, perfect meals, perfect hair, and perfect children who are always making perfect crafts.  It was just all so dang perfect and without realizing it, I had begun to judge MY life and MY capabilities as a wife by their "perfect" lives.  Yeah, not healthy. The conversation ended with my doctor handing me a tissue and prescribing a 30 day break from Mormon mommy blogs.  Don't read them, he said.  Stay far away.

And so I did.  And guess what?  I was happier.  It was ok that yesterday's laundry was still sitting in the dryer, it was ok that I didn't have anything better than rice and vegetables planned for dinner.  So, it is with that long introduction (too much information, maybe?) that I give you the two things I hope to accomplish with this blog.  One--to not convince you that my life is perfect.  Trust me, it's not.  The slip covers never fit the couch, the kitchen floor rarely gets swept, and I always end up making too much BBQ chicken (yes, it is possible).  And two--to convince you that that's ok.  Not that you have any reason to care about my life, but I believe that in sharing my life, my REAL life (the good, the bad, and the ugly), we can all learn and grow together.

Goodness, that was long.  But there it is, my introduction into the blogging world.   Whether or not you can relate, I hope you'll stay a long for the rest of the ride.  Suggestions?  Comments?  Please feel free.  Like I said, I'm new around here. :)


  1. Janie, we are miles away and haven't seen each other in years, but I would love to be able to read your family blog :-)
    P.S. There is no such thing as too much BBQ chicken.

    1. Liz! I would be honored to have you read my blog. I wish we got to see each other more often! I would make BBQ chicken and you could come help me eat it all. :)

  2. I feel that way all of the time. I am glad I am not the only one. It feels like every other wife/mother has it all together. Not in this house. With 2 kids and one who cries at me everytime I try and make dinner. The whole time. It makes it really hard to even want to make dinner. Maybe I should start a blog for all those young moms who feel pressure for being perfect. lol. If I have time with everything else. I would love to continue to read your blog.

    1. Daphne, I'm so glad you understand how I feel! It's nice to know that other mothers/wives feel this kind of pressure. And starting a blog is a great idea, I'm sure you'd be able to help a lot of people!

  3. Jane!! I love you and you are amazing!! Most of the time I blog for me and not my readers. Love you!! I'm glad that you've joined the blogging world :-)

    1. Oh Briana my dear. :) You're great! Let's be blogging friends.

  4. Wow! YOu are super real! That is very refreshing. You are a great writer, wife and daughter and sister. I did not make our bed all week! Let's be honest. Sometimes there are lots of more important things to do. Thanks for being so honest. We love you!!!!

  5. Jane, I love that you have discovered this early on in your married life! What a wise doctor you had to tell you to take a break from reading blogs! I have a blog and I remember distinctly feeling that because I had deemed my blog "a happy place" that I struggled with writing about Tim's cancer. Who wants to read depressing blogs, I thought. It took me a little while to realize that my blog was about MY real life, not a made up life, and MY life, at that moment in time, was not a happy place. So I decided that I would write about it, and write I did. A few things was like therapy for me to have a place to put my feelings about all that we were experiencing but it also is a record for my children of our experiences as we walked through cancer together. That is a treasure for them that I wouldn't have had other wise. Thanks for writing -- I look forward to reading more!

    1. Loretta, thank you so much for sharing that! I can't even imagine how hard that must have been for you, and I really admire your openness with yourself and your blog. I hope to be the same way with mine. I want to show my real life, whatever it may bring.

  6. Love it! Love the title. It is wonderful. You've got my email, please add me :) muah!

  7. Okay soo if I'm allowed can I be added to your list? your blog makes me happy lol I was looking at those blogs too. Though Its only been 5 months for mike and I I sometimes get caught up in the 'wife' role forgetting he's my best friend and that's my first role. Crazy ness thanks for the uplifting posts!
